So welcome to Laugh Travel Eat! My name is Nam, I am a recent university graduate that was born in Hong Kong but spent the last 12 years of my life in UK. I had lived in London for the past 4 years, studying in Imperial College London. Traveling has always been a big part of my life as far as I could remember. From family trips during the summer to city escapes with my university friends, I pretty much fall in love with traveling and the way it makes me feel.
Why am I starting a travel blog in a sea of other blogs?
I love giving tips and suggestions to people and that’s what I am here for. This is my personal travel log where my experience and facts come together so I can keep track of where I had been and a chance for me to look deeper into a place than just passing through and snapping a photo. This isn’t a blog that will tell you how to travel or what you should do at this location. This is a blog of my experience, what I enjoyed and what I didn’t enjoy so that you can take something away it.
What kind of posts would I do?
If my blog name isn’t a giveaway already, I love to laugh, travel and eat. I am also a bit of a fashion lover, though I know little to nothing about designers I do have a vintage and DIY obsession. So there will be posts on my travels, a lot of restaurant and food reviews and some DIY or shopping posts.
What kind of traveler am I?
I am a must-see and monuments kind of girl who also loves green spaces. Having done a geology degree, I also love to hike and see the nature whenever possible. I like a bit of adventure though I am often too much of a chicken to do the truly scary stuff. I am also a bit of a control freak so more often than not I have planned my trip ahead of time.